Latest News
C-Imaging Takes a Patent Option with the University of Minnesota
On March 18, 2022, Champaign Imaging LLC signed an option for a University of Minnesota Regents’...
C-Imaging’s Newest Employee’s First Anniversary
Champaign Imaging LLC celebrated Joshua “Josh” Hanson’s first anniversary in late May of this...
Champaign’s Second Year Pediatric Grant Approved
On April 21, 2021, the second year of Champaign Imaging LLC’s NIMH grant was officially awarded....
Champaign Imaging and University of Iowa’s MRRC Tie Up
After receiving a 2-year grant to work on the Next Generation Pediatric Neuroimaging, Champaign...
Champaign Imaging Selects ScanMed For Pediatric Hardware
After receiving a 2-year $1 million grant to work on Next Generation Pediatric Neuroimaging,...
Champaign Imaging Received NIMH $1 Million Pediatric Grant
Champaign Imaging has received a NIMH $1 Million Pediatric Grant. Pediatric MR imaging is...
New pre-print, in collaboration with University of Iowa!
HEALPix View-order for 3D Radial Self-Navigated Motion-Corrected ZTE MRI Curtis A. Corum, Stanley...
PCT Application Published
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging with Direct Dipole Decomposition A system includes a machine...
Champaign Imaging LLC awarded Phase I SBIR Grant for feasibility of Next Generation Functional Neuroimaging
Champaign Imaging LLC has been awarded a Phase I SBIR Grant from the National Institute of Mental...